Sunday, September 1, 2013


Today as I changed the calendar the thought came to me Oh my it is beginning the fall season.
This time of the year brings many changes to mind. 

As the day went on I found myself thinking what season am I in? 

I remembered the reading in Ecclesiastes 3 "There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heavens." " A time for searching, a time for throwing away, a time for keeping"and other times are mentioned.

I believe I am in the season of Fall in my life. I am not sure what that all means but it certainly is a time for searching, throwing away and deciding what I need to keep of my life's journey. It is a time for many things. 

Then I thought maybe I am in the season of Winter and don't  know it. What difference would that make in how I live each day. Answer if none. No matter what season I am in I depend upon God for daily guidance, support, friendship and love.

In prayer today and reading the scripture for the day, Tobit says Give in proportion to what you own. I don't believe I won anything but all is gift from God. Am I willing to give it in proportion to what I have received. " A time for giving"

In first reading today, Sirach says "conduct your affairs with humility and you will be loved greater than the giver of gifts" I often find myself asking what does it mean to be humble? Paul answered me in his reflection today by stating "God is the judge of all" Servant leadership keeps me grounded so I can be humble in my relationships with others.

Jesus today challenges me to look a who are my friends, do I have a personal relationship with anyone who is disadvantaged, broken, those who don't see thing as I might see them? 

A lot for me to think about  and continue to reflect on by just turning the calendar to a new month.

Have you thought about what season are you in?