Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holy family

Today we hear the story of the holy family. Of course mine was holy as well.

My mom and dad did the best they could during the depression and WWII to keep me safe and give me the basics. Yes, we had warts too. Sometimes we focus on the warts too much and don't see the goodness, the kindness the good intent of their actions.

I pray today as we listen to the story of the holy family we think of the wholesome things that are good about our families and thank God for them.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sign from God

Today we hear of sign from God in his dream which directed Joseph in the way he should go regarding his pregnant Mary.  

How often we ask God for signs to show us the way to go or a decision to be made or just to know God is there?

Asking for signs is very Franciscan way. Francis was often noted to be asking God for a sign either coming from his friends, Clare or the Bible. 

What signs do you need from God this week? If you receive them will you be like Joseph and do what was revealed to you either in your dream as was the case with Joseph or by your friends?