Sunday, April 28, 2013


The meaning of the words we hear today. Love others as I have loved. Not how I love myself or how I have loved others, but as Jesus loved. He reached out to those in need, corrected those those who thought they were better than others, and loved us no matter what. That for me is relief. 
Jesus loved sinners, addressed those who felt they were not sinners.

 Can I follow this example this week? I guess I need to spend some time reflecting on what it means. He gave an example of waiting for the son to return and the father looking daily for the one lost. Reaching out to the woman who was spurned by all. Being there for Martha and Mary at the death of Lazarus. There are many examples in Jesus life, which ones touch you? He says go and do as I have done.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

I know mine and mine know me

He/she is my friend, but how do I know them?

 How do we get to know someone, spending time with them, reading what they wrote, stories others tell of them, sharing experiences, sitting quietly with them.

How do we let others get to know us? Much of the same as above, or are we guarded in what we share, limit our stories, minimal sharing of stories.

We have a choice don't we?  Relationship with God is no different. Reading of others experience of God is called spiritual reading, reading of the Spirit. Sharing God experience stories, oh yes we can do that, we have freedom of religion.

God know me but do I know God

Monday, April 15, 2013

Jesus loves you

Today I told someone Jesus loves you response was you too! I didn't expect that response.

Some I met I needed to follow father Francis when he told the friars walk through town, they did and then they asked when are we going to preach. Francis said you just did. Maybe just maybe it was a case where actions did speak louder than words. God knows and I leave it at that.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spread the Good News Jesus lives

Today I asked what is it you want of me? Tell all those you meet of my love for them.

Reading speaks of how the followers of Jesus were called to task for speaking the Name. Those who killed him were upset. They threatened the Apostles and it didn't matter to them. They went out and spoke in the name of Jesus healing, bringing hope and love to all who would hear. 

I don't know the religious belief of those I will meet this week. I ask for the strength to also go out to all I interact with and tell them Jesus loves you. 

Tune in I will let you know how it went.