Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lent works of Love

Lent begins tomorrow. In Catholic tradition we receive ashes on or forehead to remind us we are dust and to dust we will return. we all receive ashes no matter our status, education, number of friends or whatever we feel is important to us. 

It seems to me if we believe Jesus is our Lord and Savior, knowing he saved us from ourselves most of all, we will rejoice in our salvation. 

For me lent is a time of reaching out to the other, doing works of love not works of obligation. Reaching out to those we would rather not reach out to. That will take some prayer and fasting on my part. 
I am sure you like me have some things you would rather not do, people you would be just as happy not to encounter in a day. 

If we are attentive I am confident God will send in our daily path,  those we need to reach to.  We could also pray for opportunities to reach out with works of love, if we have the courage to do so.

May you lent be fruitful in many opportunities to have works of love.

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