Sunday, November 4, 2012


Today's scripture Jesus says there are only two things necessary. 
Love God
Love your neighbor

As Christians, the way to live our life is contained in these two things.

Sounds easy to me until I did some reflection on my life. When is the last time I told God I love you? Behaved as if I loved God? Do I have other priorities that take the place of saying I love you God? Or do I settle for taking the time to converse with God only on Sundays or when I need help?

Love my neighbor, who do I think that is? Is it that staff member I would just not be with, is it the person who cut me off in traffic, is it the friend who seems to have other priorities different than mine, is it our family members who need our time and attention? Yes, it is. 

Today, when God and I talked I said I will try to do better this week. Thanks for the reminder.

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