Sunday, December 30, 2012


today we remember the Holy Family, the parents of the child Jesus. 

When we read of them in scripture we find little said, some joy at birth but in a stable because there was not room, a running to Egypt because the King wanted to kill their son, Jesus staying behind when they were on their way home from annual visit to the temple, a sassy teenager saying do you not know I must be doing my Fathers business, and there is more. It says Mary held these in her heart. 

Sure sounds like our normal family, which we also may consider blessed as you try to parent your children in the right ways. 

Most of life is just being faithful in the ordinary ups and downs of life. 

We take some time today to pray for parents, others who are called to help the children of today to be loved and cared for. We pray for the orphans of Russia that are now denied a loving home and used as pawns in response to civil rights violations. We pray for the children our Sisters serve who have no meals everyday, clean water or hope for a meaningful future. We pray for the children of migrant workers who may be deported and our Sisters as they work to help them. 

May each of us reach out and hug a child.

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