Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mary's yes our gift

Today we recall Mary's yes to God's messenger that she will bear a son and he will be the long awaited for  Savior of the world. What a message to say yes to. I am sure it was not a one time yes. Our commitments we find are never a one time yes either.

Today in the story of Luke we read of Mary not only saying yes, not knowing how it will happen but her going out of her way to visit her older cousin Elizabeth who also is with child in her old age. 

In our "Yes "we also can extend ourselves to those in need. This time of the year when we are all so busy rushing here and there may we not forget those who just need us to reach out to them, to be present to them. I am sure you know someone who needs your presence. May you have the wisdom to reach out to them.

Blessings to you and those you love as we celebrate Christ,s coming to be one with us.

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