Sunday, May 19, 2013

What gift does the Spirit have for you

We Sisters have a religious practice at Pentecost called Gifts of the Spirit Cards. We take a holy card and put on the back a gift of the Spirit and a fruit of the Spirit. We then place these cards in our prayer space for the week before Pentecost and pray for a gift of the Spirit which we need for this coming year. 

Behold today the card which I drew was Wisdom. I say to myself how did the Spirit know I needed that gift for this year? 

I have been praying and searching for a deeper relationships with Jesus. I really don't know what that entails or means for me. I guess it will be revealed hopefully this year. 

You most likely do not know of this process but it isn't too late In yesterdays blog I listed the gifts of the Spirit. Take a slip of paper and write down a gift on each slip. Put them in a bowl and say a short prayer such as Spirit of God guide me this year in ways you feel I need to grow. then pick one. I would be interested in hearing the result for you. Feel free to share your gift given to you for your deeper growth this year.

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