Sunday, June 9, 2013


The reading for today was on Jesus meeting the widow mother on the way to bury her only son. He saw her and had compassion on her and stopped the burial and told her son to arise. He gave her son back to her. 

In that time as in our day a widow is alone and depends on family to be there for her. In this case if her son was not there for her she would become a beggar and at the mercy of others.  Later on we also hers that the Apostles appointed some of their group to reach out to the widows to be sure they were cared for. 

Have times changed, I think not. In my daily rounds in the hospital I meet elderly persons who are sick and are being advised not to return to home. It is not safe for you to go home. But where will I go, who will care for me, I cant afford the facilities. 

Perhaps we live next to such a person who needs only a little of our time and care. May we not be blind to those in need. Often they are the hidden folks in our community and sometimes it is our  family members. We are busy with our own lives and need to look for some time for those who are needing our love and attention. May we pray this week for ears and eyes for those in need and the compassion to reach out to them

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