Saturday, August 18, 2012


Today we remember the death anniversary of Jessica Powers, a Carmelite poet. In the convent in Pewaukee she was named Sister Miriam.

Jessica was born and raised in  Cat Tail Valley in rural Wisconsin. He father died when she was a teen and she became responsible for the siblings. She later attended Marquette University, later doing secretarial work in Chicago. During these years she had poetry published in the American poetry magazine and wrote a book of poems. She moved to New York and was part of the Catholic Poetry society.

In her looking for God and longing for love which she felt only God could give she returned to Wisconsin and joined the Carmelite Sisters who at that time were Milwaukee and later under her direction constructed a monastery in Pewaukee. There Jessica died Aug 18,1988 at 83

During her life's journey she wrote over 150 poems which today are a inspiration to many. She addressed God as the "Great Undoer who has torn apart/the walls I build against a human heart... the repairer of fences turning my paths to rest:"

Her poems have been a spiritual guide and strength for me over the years. During this past retreat I reflected on the Poem Master Beggar. In summary the message is God not only accepts what I have willingly given him but wants all I have. Some days that is more than I am willing to give. How about you?

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