Saturday, August 4, 2012


Going on vacation with God tomorrow for week.I am going to the Jesuit Retreat Center in Oshkosh. This is also called retreat.

 A spiritual retreat is a time of being alone with God not a planning meeting as we use the word in the business world.

I have no agenda or expectations. It is a beautiful place to rest relax, walk around lake winnebago, have coffee/tea with God and listen. The chapel is all glass windows and overlooks the lake, gorgeous.

I will certainly be speaking with God of your wishes, concerns and needs as well as for those I do not know who may be asking for prayer as they read of this.. Some staff at work sent me what they wanted me to pray for. I will include you and your needs in prayer as well. 

Keep me also in prayer that I may continue to have open heart, mind, ears and eyes. Never know how the message may come.

Until next Sunday have a super good week, be gentle with your self.

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