Monday, October 8, 2012


We just returned from a week trip to Bar Harbor Maine, all in all was very gorgeous drive. Sophie was a good trouper and did well in the car, probably as good as the two of us. 
We enjoyed the changing of the seasons and the beauty of God's gracious world. The heavenly painter really out did herself in the array of colors. 

I will admit that it was a long way to go but a dream of mine to see the ocean and the dessert island of Bar Harbor. We were on the furthest part of the USA without being in the ocean.

As we came home I also noted the change in the weather, cooler at night, most of our leaves are gone. Time to get out the warmer clothes, comforters and the like. Take out the frozen plants. 

Winding down time seems at times more conducive to reflection. I know my personal season is changing as well. The time of being a wisdom figure so they say. I daily pray for God's guidance. We all have wisdom to share if we are willing. 

Parents try to share wisdom with their children to keep them from learning the hard lessons they had to learn. I hear it doesn't always work. 

May we also be willing to share wisdom with friends and  co-workers in this time of change.

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