Wednesday, October 24, 2012


In today scripture Jesus talks about the good servant one who is honest with his Master. 

Today we think of this in our terms. The servant is the one whom someone has been asked to be in charge of something for for them. This is experienced in our day to day living  in may way such as the daycare staff, the person who helps you with your finances, your civic leader, the duties you are responsible for in your home, your workplace manager, director and the like. 

All of us have a choice of being a good servant (one who fulfills the duties assigned) or being a unfaithful servant. 

We all have people who are affected by our leadership. As the scripture states much is required of those persons which whom much is entrusted and more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.

We all have been given gifts and talents to develop and use for the good of others. It all depends upon how we use our talents and gifts. Do we use them to serve ourselves or to be in service of a better world.  How do each of us carry out our responsibilities to those who are affected by our actions.

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