Monday, June 25, 2012


On the 25th of each month the SSM Sisters pray for those discerning their vocation. Each of us has a vocation calling to be of service. 

How did you decide your life vocation? I don't mean job or way you earn a living. Something spurred you to make a life commitment. 

I think of my friends who committed themselves to marriage. Many of them are no longer married. Is it when the going got tough they got going?

Any life choice takes dealing with the ups and downs, the unplanned for disappointments, the resolve to work it through.

 Today many seem afraid of commitments. Maybe those of us who have made commitments don't share it in a positive light?

Take a moment say a prayer for those discerning life choices. Don't feel afraid to talk about commitment and encourage others to discuss their concerns, and choices.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I have had some trouble getting my blog to work. Had to do a new download. Sorry

I decided it never too late to remember all the Fathers in our lives. My dad was my best friend, confidant, one who understood me. I realize not everyone has had that experience with their father. 

Jesus came to tell us of our Heavenly Father. One who loves us unconditionally, protects us as a mother with her chick under her wing, sent Jesus to tell us of His love. You can always count on your Father in heaven.

So we thank God for fathers in our lives and say a prayer for them

Thursday, June 14, 2012


The bible readings the past couple of days are all about forgiveness and not judging others.

Really we don't know the reason why people do what they do and we get upset without bothering to ask them.

Jesus is strong about this don't bring your gifts to the altar unless you are reconciled with brother. If you recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there and go first and be reconciled.

This is really a hard thing to do. I have found it easier when at the beginning I pray for those who I have had a disagreement or some other upsetting situation. God will give the grace to say I am sorry. It doesn't matter if the other says they are sorry.

In the 12 step program it suggests we make a list of all we have offended and then make a amends whenever possible. This is good advice in life for everyone.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Today we celebrate the feast of the Body of Christ which is the presence of Jesus with us in Communion.

This feast is all about relationships. Jesus with us in leaving us the Eucharist (communion) as a way he is present to us and in us. Jesus present in us gives us the opportunity to take His presence with us when we interact in our daily lives.

One thing I like about communion is everyone who goes to receive the Body and Blood of Christ are equals. It doesn't matter you education, political leanings, job, salary, number of friends etc. We are all the same. That gives me to think about is that how I go about my day. Is everyone I meet equal or are some receiving  more of my time and attention due to their status.

In church we sing "we are one" After I leave church do I carry that message into my day, my ministry. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Summer weather means swimming, boating, fishing, sitting in the sun, reading a favorite book, visiting with friends and may other activities.

The following prayer offers thanks and praise for the sun and warmth that make summer recreation possible:

“God of the sun, thank you for the warmth and heat of summer, and for the activities I love so much .I imagine the sun’s warmth as Your warmth, radiating out into the world and bringing everything light and life.

Let me rejoice in You, this summer and always.

Let me be prudent in the time I spend outside so I do no harm to myself or those with me.

Let me let go of the business of the week and relax in the beauty of Your creation.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Recently I read a article by Constance C.R. White who is the editor-in-chief of Essence July 2012 issue.

She talked about how we often want to be and have what we don't have.

 Last week I talked to a nurse with really, I mean  really curly hair. she liked it but said once someone told her to straighten it and she didn't know who she was after that. So she never did that again.

Once when a teen I got a permanent again I didn't feel I was myself so I didn't do that again.

Constance talked about the white woman who sun tanned and looked awful and was accused of subjecting her 5 year old child to the tanning.

 Constance goes on to say "when we do that, we rob ourselves of the joy and satisfaction that comes with appreciating our blessings. At worst, we inflict deep wounds on our psyches, because the only way to be truly happy is to accept and value what we have. This month let us commit to cherishing exactly who we are"

If you would like to learn more about Constance you can follow her on twitter@cwhitesessence