Sunday, June 10, 2012


Today we celebrate the feast of the Body of Christ which is the presence of Jesus with us in Communion.

This feast is all about relationships. Jesus with us in leaving us the Eucharist (communion) as a way he is present to us and in us. Jesus present in us gives us the opportunity to take His presence with us when we interact in our daily lives.

One thing I like about communion is everyone who goes to receive the Body and Blood of Christ are equals. It doesn't matter you education, political leanings, job, salary, number of friends etc. We are all the same. That gives me to think about is that how I go about my day. Is everyone I meet equal or are some receiving  more of my time and attention due to their status.

In church we sing "we are one" After I leave church do I carry that message into my day, my ministry. 

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