Monday, June 25, 2012


On the 25th of each month the SSM Sisters pray for those discerning their vocation. Each of us has a vocation calling to be of service. 

How did you decide your life vocation? I don't mean job or way you earn a living. Something spurred you to make a life commitment. 

I think of my friends who committed themselves to marriage. Many of them are no longer married. Is it when the going got tough they got going?

Any life choice takes dealing with the ups and downs, the unplanned for disappointments, the resolve to work it through.

 Today many seem afraid of commitments. Maybe those of us who have made commitments don't share it in a positive light?

Take a moment say a prayer for those discerning life choices. Don't feel afraid to talk about commitment and encourage others to discuss their concerns, and choices.

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