Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Today we celebrate on  the 4th of July the Independence celebration of our country. We have freedom of speech, the right to gather, to worship, to live where we want, to express our religion in public, choose our friends, to seek work, to have a education, to have recalls, have a voice in our government. Women can vote, drive, choose their partner in life, work, be the primary wage earner. We can choose and seek our vocation in life. 

As we watch the news we know these rights and freedoms are not available to many of the world. Many suffer much under oppressive systems. Sometimes we add to the oppressive system by our behaviors in not respecting the freedom of those with whom we come in contact. Why?

Today let us pray we don't take our freedom for granted. Let us thank God for the country in which we live. 

We also need to take care of where we live so we can continue to enjoy where we live. Sensitivity to creation is part of freedom and not to be taken for granted. Many are enjoying the out of doors this day, the woods, camp grounds, water or just being able to sit on their deck or enjoy their back yard without fear of being harmed.

Happy Independence day to all and treasure your independence. Follow your dream.

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