Sunday, July 8, 2012

Life Choices

The other day I shared I am in process of looking at several life choices. Don't worry retirement isn't one at this time.

The Gospel for this weekend was interesting. It talked about Jesus inability to help those who had no faith in Him, or in God's message. He proved a prophet is not accepted by those who are familiar with them. Those who are familiar only see the ordinary and do not hear the message that is given. Am I willing to be a prophet if it mean not being accepted?

Paul talked about asking God to relieve him from a thorn in his side. Whatever that was it didn't happen. Paul goes on to say my grace is sufficient for you. I believe that but in times of uncertainty
I would prefer a note from God!

I mentioned I started reading the book Walking with God in a fragile world.   I asked myself what are the messages for me in these chapters? 

Frederick Buechner, ordained Presbyterian minister says " the world has always been fragile and for some reason God made it that way". We have a choice from being children of God or problem children. He further explains there cross does not have a body as Jesus has risen from the dead. He doesn't suffer any more but Christians are called to be his body" 

Maybe that is what Paul was experiencing. Question I have is what do I do with my suffering, with the suffering of others that I experience. Am I a source of hope or false hope by saying you will be alright. 

Another chapter by William Coffin, who worked for CIA, studied theology and became a minister, said "all religions are different--that is certain. But most religions seek to fulfill the same function, that is, they strive to convert people from being self-preoccupation to the wholehearted giving up of oneself in the love for God and for others. St.Paul said 'make love your aim"

What does all this mean to me, Whatever choice that is made it needs to be one in which the Love of God and God's people is central and I am energized to this end.

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