Friday, July 13, 2012

Life's journey

Today I went to see my brother who is an assisted living facility in Chippewa Falls. He is great and all is well. He will be 96 at months end. He is walking slower but he tells me so will you when you are 96!

While there I met on of the jocks from my high school graduation class. He was visiting his older brother. My classmate is on his 2nd wife, had heart surgery and did not look like the jock from High school. It is amazing what the years can do or is it our perspective or is it lifestyle? 

I had a safe drive there and back. It is always amazing to me what thoughts go through my mind when I have a few (4) hours of private alone time with no radio just with ones inner self. 

Thank you God for being there for me, guiding me on the right path, putting persons in my journey to assist me. I pray you grant the same for all those who are friends, co-workers and those who have asked for prayers.

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