Thursday, June 14, 2012


The bible readings the past couple of days are all about forgiveness and not judging others.

Really we don't know the reason why people do what they do and we get upset without bothering to ask them.

Jesus is strong about this don't bring your gifts to the altar unless you are reconciled with brother. If you recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there and go first and be reconciled.

This is really a hard thing to do. I have found it easier when at the beginning I pray for those who I have had a disagreement or some other upsetting situation. God will give the grace to say I am sorry. It doesn't matter if the other says they are sorry.

In the 12 step program it suggests we make a list of all we have offended and then make a amends whenever possible. This is good advice in life for everyone.

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