Sunday, February 17, 2013


In her writing Megan Mckenna states the word devil means satan which mean hinderer.

In this day of the 1st Sunday of lent, in scripture it relates the temptation of Jesus in the dessert. He had his baptism in which all heard God proclaim him as favorite, his son, most beloved.

Jesus went into the dessert to pray, fast and determine what was he called to BE. In process of his prayer scripture relates the devil (hinderer) came with temptations of power, prestige and possessions. Sound familiar?

In our day to day interactions we too are presented with the option to be a favorite child or God or a hinderer to others. This surfaced some reflection questions for me on my behavior.

This involves anything that hinders us or another from having fullness of life as the beloved of God.

This gives us some way of refection on our own activities.
Am I open to share my knowledge with everyone thus sharing the power to make positive changes?

Do I acknowledge, compliment, and thank others or do I keep the accomplishment as mine alone?

Am I willing to be not noticed and reaching out to others not noticed?

In other words am I aware of how I too am a hinderer? (modern devil)

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