Saturday, February 2, 2013


Today in the scared reading Paul tells us of the importance of Love. Sometimes we strive for great gifts, wanting to understand many things but Paul reminds us of these Love is the most important. In fact he says if we do great things and do not have love, it is nothing.

 Paul describes love as being kind, patient, not jealous, or taking credit for things others do. If we  truly love we dont seek our own interests but are mindful of the interest of  the others.

This week the warming center opened in Wausau for those who are out in the old and have no where to go. It is a place of love where the person staying there isnt judged for their situation buy welcomed with a warm meal and a safe place to stay.
 I pray that this week I too, will find opportunities to welcome those whose situation is challenging and be able to do it with Love.

As a Christian I am sent to bring glad tidings to ther poor, and to proclaim freedom to those held in captivity by whatever reason.

May we all be good News this week

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