Saturday, August 27, 2011


Going on vacation with God tomorrow for week.I am going to the Jesuit Retreat Center in Oshkosh. This is also called retreat. A spiritual retreat is a time of being
alone with God not a planning meeting as we use the word in the business world

I have no agenda or expectations. It is a beautiful place to rest relax, walk around lake winnebago, have coffee with God and listen. Last week the Scripture reading said God is in the gentle breeze.

I will certainly be speaking of your wishes, concerns and needs as well as those I do not know who may be asking for prayer as they read of this vacation.

I also am planning on sharing with God the conversation I have been having with a few of His friends. I have most recently started to re-read Thomas Mertons The Seven Story Mountain. I read that when I was 19, it was apart of God's call to me at that time. It is intersting to read it again.
Also been reading a book from Sister Eilleen Lyddon, a member of the Sisters of the Love of God, an Anglican contemplative in the carmelite tradition. She shares her refections of John of the Cross in her book Door through Darkness. Of course I will have my Bible with me.

Keep me in prayer I will also do for you. I may not know your needs but God does. I will let you know how the vacation with God was when I return next week.

Friday, August 26, 2011

God's variety

today I drove up noth to see my brother. Along the wooded areas I saw 5 colors of green, I love green. I thought of the number of vaietys God has in many things.
Take time to look a the varieties you see along your day.

Tell someone you care before it is too late

Yesterday we had the memorial service for our Director Leanne who died all too soon in a motorcycle accident. Her daughter and son were present plus alot of staff from Saint Clares & DTC. Her staff staff from the DTC day surgery unit did do sharing of their love and caring for her. They told us all how she helped them be a team. Later I heard a story of the environmental services worker who cleaned the department at night when all were gone. No Leanne said you need to be here in the daytime when we are here you are part of the team. She had never experienced being asked to be part of the team and to be told she is a vital part of the team. She now works days and can be home when her son comes home from school. All the stories and sharing we evidence Leanne touched the lives of many.
I wonder what stories will be told of us?
I also feel it is important to tell those we encounter how we appreciate them and not wait to tell it at a remembrance service.
I am glad I told Leanne often how I appreciated her.
Thank you Leanne for being in my life, even if only for a short time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today was the last day of the management meeting for two of our leaders, one is getting married and moving, and the other moved to a ministry within the system with more responsibility. I am glad for both of them but miss them already.
Change is very interesting event. One doesnt know until it happens how it will echo in our soul. these are good changes but non the less a loss of good co-workers.
How does ordinary change effect you. Denial is an option but it will keep me feeling stuck somewhere inside and interferes  the ability to rejoice in the positve change for others and say hello welcome to the new.
I know there is a time to say goodbye and hello. It was that time today.
I also met several staff feeling bad there child went off to college earlier this week and hasnt called yet. That too is positive change a time to say goodbye and hello to a new possibility. One mother said I guess that is what we raised them to do, start on their own.
 Yes letting go is hard, in so many opportunities each day. God gives us opportunities to practice little acts of detachment.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Visiting with friend

Today I went to work earlier so I could have some time this afternoon to visit with a friend in Marshfield who is home for a months vacation from her ministry in Rome Italy.
It was a nice relaxing visit. I am glad I took the time to do this. Aften I have passed by the opportunity to visit and have sharing. Life is too short to miss these opportunities.
It refreshes the spirit and is uplifting to share with someone who has understanding and acceptance.
It is important to have a support system. I know I havent always used it but hopefully  I learned from that.
What is your support system, who can you share with who understands and accepts you without reservation.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Volunteering to help kids get school supplies

I am putting my feet up. This morning I spent 6 hours volunteering with the project to hand out school supplies to needy children. We served three thousand children.  Some came as far as Spencer, Colby, Abbotsford, and Ringle.
Some were standing in line outside the Armory at 3am just to wait in line for opening at 8am. When I came at 7:30 I was surprised to see line all around the Armory and down the street.
Many said thank you. I don't know how I would feel having to stand in line to get basics, things some kids have naturally. Too many kids, parents out of work.
A school Principal we were with said in her school there is no free breakfast bexcause there are too many families who are not in need, so she has some children who need breakfast eating cereal in her office from donations  she gets from parents.
We had to turn some families away because they didnt have the tickets or papers showing they qualified for the program. That hurt to see the child face leaving without a pack pack and supplies. I was told the school can still help them out if they let the Principal know of their need.
Are we sharing or what?The Scripture reflection today says don't withhold from the alien but these are out own citizens in the land of freedom.
Much to think about.
It is not too late to take school supplies to the school near you to help a child in need.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Eagles wings Psalm 91 & bucket list

All night Wed while sleeping I would awake hearing the song "I will lift you up on eagles wings."
 Thursday we planned to go to Lacrosse and go on the Lacrosse Queen paddle boat up the might Miss river. One of the things on my bucket list.
I longed to see the eagles. we saw 3 two were juves but one majestic eagle was soaring on the wind, just following the air currents. Free doing what God intended. I thought I too soar inside when in the current if I am doing what God intended.

I saw turtles sunning on logs, did you know when in water they get cold and shells get soft so they get out and sit on logs to warm up and get shells hard again. Why do I worry even the turtles are taken care of. I guess the quote said birds of the air. Ps:91 again says I am with you. I protect whoever know my name.

Now about a Bucket list, do you have habit of saying when I have time or someday. Well nothing like the now. Call a friend, say hi to a stranger, go to see the wonders of creation. Start making your bucket list if you haven't already. Don't forget to put those you love on it. How about high tea, or sitting at outside restaurant watching people go by or just a walk in nature,or  take time to reflect how God was with you today in the ordinary events of the day. Feel free to share your dreams, hopes, desires with those you love. What is one thing on your bucket list you will do soon?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

who is helping who, who are the poor is it me Lord

At ministry all of us in leadership positions are expected to do direct service to the poor so we know and understand the poor in our area and can better serve them.
Today I went to my favorite Assisted Living residence where I with a group of other Staff from Saint Clares provide and assist the guests with playing bingo.
Today I was with a lady who is blind with a cast on one arm, oxygen and asking do I have a good card. She was part of the community.
Another had cancer of brain gets seizures when excited and she part of the community.
Another is totally blind man helped by his friend, shouting bingo, bingo he was part of the community and let his friend assist him.
Lord have mercy on me as the poor I come to serve served me. I dont always each make a effort to be part of the various communites which I am a member  and I dont have a broken arm, oxygen, seizures or are blind.
Lord grant me the grace to embrace moments when I am called to be part of the community I am with.
How many communities do you engage with in a given day or are you like me and need to pray God grant me the grace

Monday, August 15, 2011

What will be said of us?

It was really a reflective day. I tried to be of support to the staff who lost their leader, those who knew her intimately and those who didnt. I met a nurse today on the elevator I asked her how she was doing and she said not so good. I am new and my leader died and I was only getting to know her a little. The rest knew her alot more. I had a chance to say she was a wonderful lady full of life.
I thought of those who didnt support her efforts to make positive changes and remembered I never heard her say a negative thing about them. I know she knew who they were and yet she included them in all decisions.
She was a wonderful lady a free spirit.
I too needed some support today and did feel comfortable telling a few I was grieving as well. And was willing to accept their support.
I know Leanne is with God and God is with us through her touching our lives on this journey. I pray for her two children that they too may know how much their mother touched everyone she met. Thank you God for the time you did give us with her.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


tonight received the new someone I work with got killed in Illinois area in a motorcycle accident. Pray for her and her daughter. I will surely miss her and grieve her passing. Tonight let someone you care about know you care.

courage to pester, beg, plead

Today we reflect on the Canaanite woman who had faith to pester Jesus and his disciples. He rebuked her to begin with but she persisted aned he understood he came for all. He then healed her daughter as she requested.

 At times I have asked and felt rebuked, my faith wavered and I said I guess I should forget it. I admire her faith and courage and pray for deepening of my own faith.

I continue to pray for the faith, courage to stand up for those in need. I experience daily the needs of the elderly who society continues to take things away from as they themselves experience diminishment.

This week can we stand up for one elderly person and help them get the services and/or family support they need?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

enjoy creation

sun is shining and a great day to work in the flower bed. Beauty of creation abounds. I dont even mind the little rabbit who is munching on the hostas. I have plenty of hostas, enjoy the salad I say.
I am looking forward to starting of Packers preseason football. Plan to go to Weston Lanes to see the players who come on Monday nights.
Hope you are enjoying something special as well

Friday, August 12, 2011

Great day to be alive, birds are singing, grass is green where I live and I praise God who guides my every step

Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

Hi, I'm Sister Sharee Hurtgen. I am a Patient Advocate for St. Clare's Hospital in Weston, Wisconsin, a part of Ministry Healthcare, for the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother. Join me on my spiritual journey by following this blog. Check back soon for stories about the daily lives of Sisters--how through work and prayer, we bring fuller life to others. Thank you for visiting!