Going on vacation with God tomorrow for week.I am going to the Jesuit Retreat Center in Oshkosh. This is also called retreat. A spiritual retreat is a time of being
alone with God not a planning meeting as we use the word in the business world
I have no agenda or expectations. It is a beautiful place to rest relax, walk around lake winnebago, have coffee with God and listen. Last week the Scripture reading said God is in the gentle breeze.
I will certainly be speaking of your wishes, concerns and needs as well as those I do not know who may be asking for prayer as they read of this vacation.
I also am planning on sharing with God the conversation I have been having with a few of His friends. I have most recently started to re-read Thomas Mertons The Seven Story Mountain. I read that when I was 19, it was apart of God's call to me at that time. It is intersting to read it again.
Also been reading a book from Sister Eilleen Lyddon, a member of the Sisters of the Love of God, an Anglican contemplative in the carmelite tradition. She shares her refections of John of the Cross in her book Door through Darkness. Of course I will have my Bible with me.
Keep me in prayer I will also do for you. I may not know your needs but God does. I will let you know how the vacation with God was when I return next week.