Saturday, August 20, 2011

Volunteering to help kids get school supplies

I am putting my feet up. This morning I spent 6 hours volunteering with the project to hand out school supplies to needy children. We served three thousand children.  Some came as far as Spencer, Colby, Abbotsford, and Ringle.
Some were standing in line outside the Armory at 3am just to wait in line for opening at 8am. When I came at 7:30 I was surprised to see line all around the Armory and down the street.
Many said thank you. I don't know how I would feel having to stand in line to get basics, things some kids have naturally. Too many kids, parents out of work.
A school Principal we were with said in her school there is no free breakfast bexcause there are too many families who are not in need, so she has some children who need breakfast eating cereal in her office from donations  she gets from parents.
We had to turn some families away because they didnt have the tickets or papers showing they qualified for the program. That hurt to see the child face leaving without a pack pack and supplies. I was told the school can still help them out if they let the Principal know of their need.
Are we sharing or what?The Scripture reflection today says don't withhold from the alien but these are out own citizens in the land of freedom.
Much to think about.
It is not too late to take school supplies to the school near you to help a child in need.

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