Monday, August 15, 2011

What will be said of us?

It was really a reflective day. I tried to be of support to the staff who lost their leader, those who knew her intimately and those who didnt. I met a nurse today on the elevator I asked her how she was doing and she said not so good. I am new and my leader died and I was only getting to know her a little. The rest knew her alot more. I had a chance to say she was a wonderful lady full of life.
I thought of those who didnt support her efforts to make positive changes and remembered I never heard her say a negative thing about them. I know she knew who they were and yet she included them in all decisions.
She was a wonderful lady a free spirit.
I too needed some support today and did feel comfortable telling a few I was grieving as well. And was willing to accept their support.
I know Leanne is with God and God is with us through her touching our lives on this journey. I pray for her two children that they too may know how much their mother touched everyone she met. Thank you God for the time you did give us with her.

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