Tuesday, August 16, 2011

who is helping who, who are the poor is it me Lord

At ministry all of us in leadership positions are expected to do direct service to the poor so we know and understand the poor in our area and can better serve them.
Today I went to my favorite Assisted Living residence where I with a group of other Staff from Saint Clares provide and assist the guests with playing bingo.
Today I was with a lady who is blind with a cast on one arm, oxygen and asking do I have a good card. She was part of the community.
Another had cancer of brain gets seizures when excited and she part of the community.
Another is totally blind man helped by his friend, shouting bingo, bingo he was part of the community and let his friend assist him.
Lord have mercy on me as the poor I come to serve served me. I dont always each make a effort to be part of the various communites which I am a member  and I dont have a broken arm, oxygen, seizures or are blind.
Lord grant me the grace to embrace moments when I am called to be part of the community I am with.
How many communities do you engage with in a given day or are you like me and need to pray God grant me the grace

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