Friday, August 26, 2011

Tell someone you care before it is too late

Yesterday we had the memorial service for our Director Leanne who died all too soon in a motorcycle accident. Her daughter and son were present plus alot of staff from Saint Clares & DTC. Her staff staff from the DTC day surgery unit did do sharing of their love and caring for her. They told us all how she helped them be a team. Later I heard a story of the environmental services worker who cleaned the department at night when all were gone. No Leanne said you need to be here in the daytime when we are here you are part of the team. She had never experienced being asked to be part of the team and to be told she is a vital part of the team. She now works days and can be home when her son comes home from school. All the stories and sharing we evidence Leanne touched the lives of many.
I wonder what stories will be told of us?
I also feel it is important to tell those we encounter how we appreciate them and not wait to tell it at a remembrance service.
I am glad I told Leanne often how I appreciated her.
Thank you Leanne for being in my life, even if only for a short time.

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