Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today was the last day of the management meeting for two of our leaders, one is getting married and moving, and the other moved to a ministry within the system with more responsibility. I am glad for both of them but miss them already.
Change is very interesting event. One doesnt know until it happens how it will echo in our soul. these are good changes but non the less a loss of good co-workers.
How does ordinary change effect you. Denial is an option but it will keep me feeling stuck somewhere inside and interferes  the ability to rejoice in the positve change for others and say hello welcome to the new.
I know there is a time to say goodbye and hello. It was that time today.
I also met several staff feeling bad there child went off to college earlier this week and hasnt called yet. That too is positive change a time to say goodbye and hello to a new possibility. One mother said I guess that is what we raised them to do, start on their own.
 Yes letting go is hard, in so many opportunities each day. God gives us opportunities to practice little acts of detachment.

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