Sunday, April 22, 2012


Today the disciples recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread. Some do not and he needs to prove himself to them that he truly has risen and is with them by eating with them.

I ask myself during this past week how have I recognized Jesus ?
After some reflection I realize I did experience Risen Jesus in many encounters this past week.
A father who proudly showed me a picture of his new baby girl and celebrates new life.
One who sought forgiveness and was able to apologize and  say I was wrong.
The excited chaplain who has been able to get many to pray a few seconds a day for those in the hospital.
A physician who taught cleaning staff how to be more present to the patients and to be able to acknowledge the patient and their needs.

This brings to mind how did I this past week bring the Risen Jesus to those with whom I was in relationship with?
How will I break bread with others this week?

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