Sunday, April 29, 2012


Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. Most of us have not had experience with shepherding sheep. I was lucky to have sheep as part of my role as administrator in St. Jude Hospital St. Lucia, West Indies. I learned alot about sheep. When they cry they sound just like a baby, when rope is around their leg they don't do anything but stand there and wait for someone to help, they follow the one who leads them, if not on a tether they tend to stray away in places where they don't belong.
Now doesn't that sound like alot of us on a day to day basis.
When I think of Good shepherd I think of servant leadership. A servant leader has the following characteristics: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to growth of people, and building community.
I know that Jesus has come looking for me on many occasions, is committed to my growth, listens to me and has empathy for me. I could site more but I know you get the idea.
Now in Jesus name we are also called to servant leadership. Being present to those with whom we related. Leaders are not just those in appointed positions. We are all leadership role for someone.
I pray we all look to the Good Shepherd as we carry out our servant leadership.

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