Wednesday, May 2, 2012


How many miracles did you witness today?
I witnessed many:
  • tulips blooming in my flower bed
  • mother bunny protecting her young from cat
  • chimes at work that a baby was born.
  • beautiful trees in bloom
  • specialist doctors willing to come together with care coordinator, Nursing director and myself to plan care for a patient with him and his family.
  • successful heart surgery
  • housekeeper taking time to talk to a patient and not just clean the room.
  • Care coordinator going to pharmacy to pick up medication for a patient who could go to pharmacy before discharge.
  • a Nurse helping housekeeping clean a room for a patient and taking time to wash some of the patients clothes.
These are every day miracles and evidence of God's presence among us. Take time to notice and you too will be energized and amazed at the amount of miracles each day brings.

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