Sunday, May 13, 2012


In today's scripture Jesus says I call you friends. What does it mean to have a friend?  How is it different than an acquaintance? For you where does Jesus fit in this definition?

A friend is someone we feel free to say what we think and feel. One who we share our joys, frustrations and bumps and bruises.
A friend is someone who will tell us the truth, not sugar coat it for us. One who is interested in our growth.
We in turn are the same for them.
Of course we know this doesn't happen overnight, it takes time, tending, care and concern.
Our relationship with God is no different if we want to be God's friend. Jesus tells us today that God has offered friendship to us.
It is up to us to take the time to share, to be open and honest.
We also can ask God show me today who you would like me to extend your love to.

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