Sunday, May 6, 2012


Today's scripture is about how we are the branches and Christ is the vine. Sounds good until I experienced the branches need pruning to have good fruit.

Proper training of grapevines is essential to maintain plant size, shape, and productivity. If left unattended, grapevines can become unruly.

Does this sound at all familiar to you? It sure is to me.

Looking back at my life's journey is the way I can see how God's pruning produced fruit for me.

I know I only leaned the meaning of compassion by being deeply hurt, feeling rejected and all alone. I can now relate,when I see others in this situation and reach out to them.

Left to my own choices without God's guidance I have experienced unruly, chaotic situations. I also learned God was there for me with healing and loving embrace.
Don't fear pruning, the cut is swift and the healing although gradual will result in fruit that you cant imagine.

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