Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our role in plan of God

Today in the Catholic Church  we celebrate the feast of Ascension which is Jesus leaving this earth and going to the Father.
Why are you looking up?
Get about the work I left you to do. It was a invitation to all of us.

We all have a gift to let others know God's love for them that he sent Jesus to be among us to show us the Love of God.
Each day there is an opportunity to let someone know of God's love for us and that they may experience the same for themselves.
In many countries it is a holiday, some places have processions, and other ways they celebrate this feast.
Perhaps we have lost some of the tradition that our ancestors had in this regard.
Are we too driven to work, be busy that we have lost the ability to take time to celebrate? I for myself miss some of the older traditions.
Are you aware of any traditions your grandparents had that you might to practice in your life?

"Jesus said I am going to prepare a place for you."

St Theresa of the Little flower said in heaven there are many mansions.

I decided I didn't want to be on the porch!! What is your aspiration?

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