Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Life's Mission

The next three days we will witness how Jesus completed his mission. He came to show us the Father. He came to be one of us to dignify us as human persons who bear the image and likeness of God.

Jesus came to take on the burden of sin for us and to lead us through death into the glory of Resurrection.

Years ago, I couldn't watch Gibson's movie of the  suffering and death of Jesus as it was too awful to watch. Yet each day we see some of this violence played out in how we related to each other.

I pray that through these days we realize what Jesus did for us. We take time to forgive others as he did the good thief. That we can also say forgive them for they know not what they do.

Mary is our model of strength these days as well as all the other days she witnessed the misunderstandings, the jeers, the disbelief. I ask Mary today to strengthen me as well that I may have the courage to stand as she stood. As a Sister of the Sorrowful Mother I also pray for the grace to stand with those in need that I meet each day.

As Jesus died he gave us Mary as our mother may we ask her to help us on our journey that we too can fulfill our mission.

Thank you Jesus for all you did to set me free.

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