Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Today I was privileged to be present when the Sexual assault examination nurses from Saint Clare's Hospital received an award from the women's community center.
These nurses are highly trained to collect evidence to assist in prosecution of the perpetrator. Sadly to say alot of the victims are children.
  I deeply am moved at the dedication and commitment of these nurses who have agreed to provide this service. This is over and above their regular duties as a RN in the Emergency Department. They demonstrate the meaning of standing with those in need. Without their dedication, compassion and caring the victims would not have a chance in the judicial system. They have developed a great relationships with all those involved in fighting against sexual assault, such as police, case workers, families, women's community center, physicians, ER staff and the victims themselves.
If you have a moment and see one of these nurses please take the time to thank them. If you don't have the chance to see them to thank them then say a prayer to God thanking them for their service to the most vulnerable.
God grant them strength in this very hard ministry

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