Tuesday, April 24, 2012

You Lord know my path

In the praying psalm 142 this morning it said oh Lord you know my path. While my spirit faints within me you Lord know my path.

I was so glad to pray that as some days I really dont have a clue about how is what is going on at the time part of anything.  I do belive we have the grace offered to us of each day.
Today I went to a Senior leadership conference were there was a discussion of how we are begining to intergrate the systems of Ministry and Affinity into one Ministry System. Everyone listened and was very quiet. Some I could hear them asking themselves what will this do to me?
 I have asked myself that many times. Once I was outside in the dark looking at the stars and saying to God you have everything in this universe in order how can all around me out of order and you are not helping? God responded you didnt ask.
Yes, Lord you know the path I pray I may be faithful to what the day unfolds and put my trust in you. And yes I am asking for your help.

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