Sunday, September 9, 2012


This week in all of our ministries we are celebrating the 

values of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother as lived 

out in Ministry Health Care Ministries. 

The reason for choosing this week is that during this week we also celebrate the feast of the Sorrowful Mother our patroness. 

The values that Ministry Health care choose to guide our actions are the following:


The Values of our Founding Sisters guide our actions...


We treat others with dignity and respect so each 
person feels important and worthwhile. We engage 
people in decisions that affect them.


We provide excellent service, care and value.


We use innovation and creativity to improve the 
health of the communities we serve and to sustain 
and grow our health care ministry.


We are a voice for the voiceless. We advocate for the 
most vulnerable and act responsibly on their behalf. 
We do all we can to make health care affordable in 
our communities.

Hopefully these values can be a guide for you in your 

relationships with others and in what you do.

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