Sunday, September 23, 2012


Today is a beautiful day outside, some frost did hit the plants on our deck and their time has come. The season is changing and today is fall time of the year. 

I have also been asking God's help with the changing of seasons in one who I love. Some days he doesn't remember things. I pray for the gift to enjoy each encounter as he is moving closer to letting go in his life. I know at 96 this is to be expected but that is a intellectual thing and I am not there yet. His letting go is gradual and a good lesson for me.

These moments are hard lessons to learn as I sometimes get too far into the future and grieve the losses. I know I have my own letting go to embrace but somehow this seems different. 

I take time to thank God for the gift of relationship we have.  I ask for the grace to live one day at a time. 

I know life is a journey and God has been with me all the way and will be in days to come. It is just some side trails are not ones I would choose. Prayer helps me to go forward knowing God is my companion. Thank you for your prayers as well.

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