Friday, September 14, 2012


Raised $1,606.00 for Sister Corita a Sister of the Sorrowful Mother working in the 
SSM Fundacion in Dominican Republic

I am so proud of the employees volunteers and community people that visit the restaurant at Ministry Saint Clare's Hospital. Under the direction of one of the Administrative Food service staff they small change at the check out register all year long. It is amazing what small change can turn into. 
This year we were blessed with an anonymous donor who matched the funds collected. 

I called Sister Corita and informed her of the amount collected. She was ecstatic and said now I can provide them with food for a year. Each month Sister Corita takes a paper bag filled with rice, beans, and other staples to the families living in the Hoyo which is along the river bank in Santiago.

I pray for God's blessings on all those who generously gave their change to make this happen.

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