Friday, September 21, 2012


This coming church year we will be invited to celebrate a year of Faith. 
The LaCrosse office of evangelization has broken this into 4 themes

Oct-Jan Seeking the Face of Jesus, the Face of God. Focus on faith and content of faith

Feb-April Seeking the Face of Jesus in Prayer. How do I pray and notice for what do I pray.

May-July Seeking the Face of Jesus in the Community of the Church. What does it mean for me to be in community with others. 

Aug-November Seeing the Face of Jesus in Suffering and the Marginalized. It is evaluation how our faith leads us to care and have compassion on others.

These reflections lead us to important question? No matter what we believe we and ask ourselves Who is God? What does God want of me? Who am I? And what do I need to do to be faithful to who I am?

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