Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother celebration day

Today the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother celebrate our feast day. A day in which we remember especially the sorrows the Mother of Jesus experienced and reflect on our mission to stand with those who are not served, those on the margins of society, those who are rejected

How would a mother feel at as her child enters the community of the believers to be told you will suffer many things because of this child. Simeon gave this message to Mary as she presented her child to him. 
How would you feel having to leave your homeland and run to a foreign county because the leadership was looking  for you and your child to kill him. 

How would you feel seeing your child mocked, scourged and then made to carry his death cross along the streets, to a jeering crowd only to be crucified as a common criminal.

Every day we encounter many mothers who are experiencing the same situations. We pray we as Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother, or model Mary will help us reach out to them to stand with them.

We also thank today all those who stand with us, work with us to continue to serve those in need especially the poor.

I remember you today in my prayers.

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