Sunday, September 2, 2012


In today's scripture reflection Jesus chastises the pharisees and the religious leaders for insisting all the various minute rules  be followed with no regard for compassion, hospitality or care for the poor.

They were more interested in putting burdens on people than helping relieve burdens. Be sure to wash your, kettles, and other pots before eating but do not be concerned about welcoming the guest, greeting them and taking care of their needs after walking in the dirty dusty streets.

Am I more concerned about my life rules than I am about meeting people where they are at. Do I even acknowledge I have life rules, and do I know what they are. If not listen to how many times you say should or think they should, I should do this or that. 

 In the hospital setting, some days anxious afraid family members cant follow the rules of numbers of people to visit or limit time. They just need someone to calmly talk to them answer their questions and ease the tension.

Do I judge the type and quality of relationships of others by imposing and applying my life rules.

Can I cope with the breaking away of so many people who are just tying to identify themselves and their beliefs, values and life's meaning. 

God help me let loose on some of my rules. I know you only had two rules. Love God and for me to Love my neighbor as I love myself.

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