Friday, March 29, 2013

Give ones life for another

Today is Good Friday. However we know the end of the story.

I was reflecting today on how Mary must have felt seeing her son crucified, a common criminal, jeered by her own people of faith. True I don't believe she herself understood everything that had happened. No matter what she was not going to leave him.

Now a widow and loosing her only son who would care for her, feed and protect her. Widows had no place if they didn't have someone to care for them. In Jesus dying moment he asked John to care for Mary as his mother. Scripture says he took her into his home, was she wanted there or just another mouth to feed and care for.

I was reflecting as a Sister of the Sorrowful Mother having Mary of Sorrows as my (our) patroness, how do I stand with those who are common criminals, those who society rejects. Who are those I am called to be mother and companion with as they suffer? this week in ministry it seemed to be those with chronic conditions who are begging for relief and yet we can not fully heal or help them. One said to me I don't dig nuns. I still tried to be there for her as advocate if she needed me. I had never heard that before. If
God had not been with me I could have said okay you reject me so I will reject you.

May the reflections of today help us as we too journey with those who are on the margins and need us to stand with them as Mary would

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