Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today is the beginning of Holy Week. But we know the end of the event which ends with Easter. The disciples didn't know there was to be a Resurrection.  Today,I was wondering would I be a follower of Jesus if I too didn't know of the Resurrection?

Today we recall Jesus entry into the city not as Kings had done previously, but on a donkey. No army, only followers a band of disciples who still didn't get it, and those who Jesus ministered to, the cripples, hungry, maybe Lazarus who came back from the dead, some women and those who wanted a miracle. 

Hail to King of the Jews, meaning save us from slavery, get rid of the Romans and restore to us to a kingdom. At times I too say Oh Jesus save me from this issue, this problem and this worry. But do I want a protector who breaks the law, one who others want to get rid of, one who association with will also get me into trouble? 

Really, am I no different that the Disciples who followed him with their own idea of the kingdom to come, one in which they too would have a place. 

Today and the remainder of this week, take some time to reflect what does it mean to me and you to be a follower of Jesus. In my daily life will I too deny Jesus as he predicted Peter would. Am I afraid to be a Christian? Christ follower? 

By my actions will they also know am I too one of his followers? What am I willing to do to be a follower of Jesus today at this time and place?

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