Sunday, March 3, 2013


Today in the scripture readings we learn of how God sent Moses, Jesus and Paul. Each in their own way experienced the God of goodness, a God of forgiveness. Do you realize you too are sent to be Gospel person to those you meet each day? Even to your family?

Jesus tells the story of the fig tree that did not produce fruit in 3 years. The Gardner bargained with the owner to give him one more year. He would fertilize and water the tree hoping it would then produce fruit.

As a follower of Jesus I am called and sent to bring the Good News of the Gospel by how I act each day. Being the news of forgiveness and goodness of God. 

In order to be Good News I too need to fertilize my spiritual life so I can bring forth good fruit in terms of my daily actions. 

What helps am I taking advantage of to deepen my own spiritual life? Some are simple such as taking a moment to say what would Jesus want me to do or Be in this situation? Taking a few seconds at the end of my day to review how was I Gospel this day and ask for God's help for tomorrow. 

Have a blessed 3rd week of Lenten journey.

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