Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween-All Hallows Eve

There is little know today as to the orgin of Halloween.
I am mentioning it today because in different cities they are starting the trick or treat routine tomorrow.

In the Catholic faith Halloween, which comes from the word All Hallows Eve is tied directly to All Saints Day celebrated on November 1 of each year to commemorate the old saints who have past on.

It is believed that the “saints" are people who were heroes,martyrs, persons of example for us in living our Christian Faith. People like St. Francis, St. Clare, Maximilian Kobe and others.

Halloween was never meant to be a frightful time. A time of ghosts, people raising from the dead to scare us or unearthly things to harm us.

We can only change this culture of fear with our friends and families. We can encourage the children to sell their candy to the dentist who will use it to give to soldiers or needy children who do not get candy.

It also is a time for us to be aware of how much social media affect the children by their choice of who they want to represent at Halloween.

Some people use the costumes to act out in ways they would never want to be seen acting out.

we can end the day by remembering in prayer all those people of example who have gone before us and say a prayer of thanksgiving for their example.

I pray you enjoy the children who may come by your home by greeting them in a way that is counter cultural.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

United in purpose and mission

October 24 we celebrated the official day of the United Nations. When I was in high school many many years ago I belonged to a United Nations club as part of civics class to study its structure and purpose. The purpose of the UN is the facilitation of cooperation in international law, security, economic development, social progress, human rights and achievement of world peace. (how did I do?)

Reflection of this day and the purpose I think they copied the purpose from the guidelines of my of religous community. The Guidelines by which we live our lines our purpose is to further the kingdom of God through gospel living and service to others especially the poor.
I was refecting on the countries from which the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother come from. Being in a international community provided me with a rich heritage of variety of ways of experiencing God, of worship, prayer, service and variety of way we live in community.

In my religious life I have had the privilege of living with Sisters from many different counties which provided  a challenge to my own understanding of what it means to be an American. I had not ever been called that until I lived in St. Lucia West Indies. One person asked me what nationality are you? I said German and they said or you a from Germany. I said no I am from the United States and they said oh then you are a American. I asked myself what is that and do I ascribe those characteristics to myself? Have you ever thougth of yourself as an American and what does that mean to you?

I am ever grateful to have the opportunity to live with so many Sisters from other countries. They have enriched my life.

I may have forgotten someone but here are some of the nations  from which my Sisters come:
Austria        Bahamas      Brazil      Belise   Colombia   Germany    Grenada      Goyna       Guyna     Ireland   
Italy   Korea   NativeAmerican   Phillippines     
 Poland    Switzerland   St Lucia     Tanzania Africa and United States. 
Provide for  your self a great opportunity for growth. Really know someone from another nation/country and you will also learn something surprising about yourself.

If we as a religious mosaic of variety of persons with different customs, beliefs and formation are striving to work together to bring to peoples experience the love of God surely we can be a witness this is possible.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love God, self and neighbor

You may wonder about the order of this saying.

Today we are  told to Love God with our whole heart, mind and soul and our neighbor as ourselves. Matthew 22:34-40 records Jesus saying loving God is the 1st commandment and loving neighbor as ourselves is the 2nd commandment. All other commandments included in these two.

As I reflected on this I came to realize where I don't love myself that is also where I do not act lovingly to my neighbor.

Most of it is simple stuff like I love to find out what is going on with almost everything. When I find out do I share it in a way that is gossip. Now gossip can smudge the name of another person. I believe I work hard how do I react when I don't feel the other person is working as hard as I perceive I am?

It is good once in awhile to sit down and look at what do I not love about myself. These are the very things that I will also act negatively toward my neighbor. If I don't appreciate it in myself I surely wont appreciate it in my neighbor.

Through taking some time each day and looking lovingly at myself I will come to act more lovingly toward my neighbor. God loves me unconditionally. If I believe I am a  reflection of God can I do the same.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Do No Harm-Domestic Violence awareness month

Today we celebrate St. Luke. He was not only a evangelist but a physician. You can read in your Bible the stories he relates of how Jesus was with the poor.

Father God you chose Luke the Evangelist to reveal by preaching and writing the mystery of your love
for the poor.

Physicians are also honored today in Catholic centers with a special Mass for doctors by the Bishop of the Church. Physicians take a oath to do no harm.

This also is  Domestic Violence awareness month. It would do us all good to take an oath to do no harm and to behave in a non violent way toward others. 
We don't often think we engage in domestic violence. Are you aware of some of the signs, like not letting those who we love and live with have their own friends. Refusing to talk or say when we are upset what we are upset about. Not allowing the other to have any personal free time.

These are just some of the signs but there are more and helpful hints of how to deal with this issue on the domestic violence web site.

Today let us be thankful of the positive good relationships we are in. Tell those we love we appreciate them.

Consider taking a personal commitment to do no harm which may be as simple as saying only good about the other and no gossiping. If each of us did these little things the world would be much less violent. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

What do nuns do as part of ministry-she also is a pilot

Bless helicopters praying for pilots and those who are cared for in the flight.
 Sister Lois also is a pilot. One never know about us nuns.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Give to God what is God's

In the Scripture today Jesus says "Give to God what is God's."
What do you have that belongs to God? What do you have to give back?

For me I am grateful for my vocation to Religious life. I can give back to God and others by living religious life authentically and being me. God called me just as I am.

Are you grateful for your vocation in life whether married, single or religious?

I never dreamed I would have a profession, a ministry where I can be of service to others, friends that are faithful and a great support system. I have many gifts, talents and health.

Honestly,on some days I don't feel like giving anything to anyone. When that happens I know it is time to take a time out. I have continuously experienced that God will provide for me the continued grace and strength to be faithful to all that has been given to me. But I have the responsibility to take care of myself as well. Sometimes I forget myself in that mix of things. I know the word NO is a very empowering word. Sometimes, I could be used more so I  don't give myselves away.

I can imagine for you who are parents that is a hard thing to do, to take time for yourself. I know re-creation time is needed by us all. Yes, even you and me.

Today the neighbor lady came to the door with her son and daughter selling boy scout popcorn. I said I haven't seen you much lately, she said oh we have football, basketball practicee twice a week and then games, plus scouts. I doubt she has alot of time to just be for herself.

Praise God we have the opportunity to give back. I pray to be aware of the opportunities this week to do just that.

I pray the same for you.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reflections on past week

As I said last refection I felt the past week went by with a host of emotions, feelings and what did really happen. I did take a nap today, wonderful practice for healing and now I feel I can share some things with you.

Monday 10 was the remembrance of Mollie Rogers. She was know as Sister Mary Joseph. She is the foundress of the Maryknoll Sisters. Now why is that of any significance? As a teen my mother attended Mother of Perpetual help devotions every Tues night and dragged, I mean took me along. The only think I liked about this weekly church happening, was to be able to pick up the Maryknoll magazine in the back of church and see all the exciting things the Sisters were doing with poor people.
Later when in Nursing school ,at age of 19 taught by the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother,  I experienced God calling me to become a bearer of good news as a religious woman. I wanted to be a Maryknoll and did apply but they said wait until you finished Nursing School. Back then wait was a unfamiliar word to me. For those who know me see how I have grown.(smile) I responded by praying the stations of the Sorrowful Mother to become a Maryknoll.
While working in Maternity department nursery there was a statue of baby Jesus with inscription Come follow me. Every time I worked I turned it around so I could see it.

Do you believe God sends signs? Well let me tell you of a powerful one. As student nurses we were required to make a annual retreat. Catholic, protestant it didn't matter you were there. The priest my freshman year was a Passionist religious order priest. They wore a symbol on their clothing which looked like a police badge to me at that time. I said to God if  you want me to be a Sister he will come down from the table where he was sitting and tap me on the shoulder and ask me to come and talk to him. At the end of the conference before we all left church behold he came down tapped me on the shoulder and said I need to speak with you. Now it was about something the head of the school thought I knew something about, like where had one of our classmates disappeared to. However a sign is a sign no matter how it comes about.
the rest of that story later. I entered the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother a year later.

Have you asked God for any signs for discernment for yourself? If not try it and be surprised.
Also you never know what effect parents have on their children by the things they involve them in. Think about it

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Here I am Lord I think!

What a week. I am not sure what really went on this week. I will take some time this weekend to process it all. A whole mixture of feelings of sadness, anger, hope, possibilities. I guess that pretty much sums up why I feel tired today which is the end of my week at work. I hope to take sometime this week to review the events of the week and reflect on God's gift in it all.

Tomorrow I  will travel 2hrs to visit my brother in his assisted living situation. We go out to eat and gab.There is not a lot of news on his side but we are enjoying each others company and finally bonding as brother and sister. I am glad my cold is over as I would not go if I thought I would give it to him.

Today is the First Day of Sukkot a Jewish festival which Jesus would have had as part of his life.
The Jewish festival known as Sukkot (“sue-COAT”)—“booths”—involves two apparent opposites: gathering and scattering. It’s a harvest festival, but it also commemorates the 40-year journey of the Israelites in the desert, when they lived in temporary shelters (booths). Originally Jews making the Sukkot pilgrimage to sacrifice in the Temple would stay in tents or booths while they were in Jerusalem. The practice continues today in the construction of open outdoor shelters Jews live in during the seven days of Sukkot—if it rains, one rabbi in the Talmud ruled, the sign that you can go in is if the soup gets too watery! Like the Jewish people, we are called to be grateful for God’s gifts and presence with us on the journey of faith.
It is a good remembrance for me that no matter how many stories I heard this past week, how much pain and the joyful ones they are all part of the journey and what is the gift from God for me.
I hope you too get a few moments this weekend to look at the past weeks events whatever the theme or event and find the gift there for you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

God's saving grace in Jesus

This week is 28th week in ordinary time. The readings for the week are all from Paul. Paul's theme is we are humans and can't save ourselves. I know that for sure.

God revealed his saving grace through Jesus. The grace of this saving grace is available to all through faith. If we believe in Jesus' acts and words we will also do good to others. The readings from Paul all week show how God's grace is working. We are encouraged to live as people saved.

Each day I need to pray for the gift of grace and faith to live as a saved person. I don't know about you but for me some of daily enounters lead to feelings and thoughts if acted on would not be actions of a saved person.

During this week I pray to keep in mind Jesus saved me and I pray to behave accordingly doing good wherever I can.

Paul in his letter to the philippians said "My God will fully supply whatever you need." I am counting on it.

This past week my energy has been zapped with a very bad cold. I beleive as I have gotten older I bounce back slower and my resistence is lower. Hate to admit that but it is the reality. I will need aditional help this week as my energy bucket isnt full yet. Say a prayer for me as well when you have a moment. Much appreciated. Thank you

Friday, October 7, 2011

Yom Kippur is tomorrow -what can we learn

In the Jewish religion tomorrow is the beginning of Yom Kippur. For Christians we need to be aware that Jesus was also involved in Yom Kippur. What can we learn from Yom Kippur?
The name "Yom Kippur" means "Day of Atonement," and that pretty much explains what the holiday is. It is a day set aside to "afflict the soul," to atone for the sins of the past year.
Yom Kippur atones only for sins between man and G-d, not for sins against another person. To atone for sins against another person, you must first seek reconciliation with that person, righting the wrongs you committed against them if possible. That must all be done before Yom Kippur.

You can clearly see examples of these infractions in the Yom Kippur liturgy, for instance in this excerpt from Al Khet:

For the sin that we have committed under stress or through choice;
For the sin that we have committed in stubbornness or in error;
For the sin that we have committed in the evil meditations of the heart;
For the sin that we have committed by word of mouth;
For the sin that we have committed through abuse of power;
For the sin that we have committed by exploitation of neighbors;

For all these sins, O God of forgiveness, bear with us, pardon us, forgive us!

In  listening to the teaching of Jesus we hear many of these words such as  go to the one you offended before you bring your gift to the altar.

I pray in the spirit of atonement we also can reach out to those we have offended. Often I hear said God knows me and forgives me. True but what about seeking forgiveness from others we have wronged.


Earlier this week we celebrated our guardian angels. In the church there is special mention on many days of holy people to remember, events and the special guides God has for each of us. It is our belief that each of us has been given a angel to be our guardian. Scripture has many references to angels and their role in our lives.
Over the years I have learned to hear the voice of my angel.

Yesterday as I was leaving my driveway for work I looked both ways and saw nothing, in a second the voice said wait a minute and behold a motorcycle driver sped by. I am grateful for the angel as I would have surely hit the person straight on. I hear my angel saying go to this floor and visit and there is someone there I didn't expect that needed something I could provide. I am grateful for this frequent guiding voice in my life.
Have you ever thought of the fact you also have an angel? Ask your angel to speak to you to guide you and you will be surprised. I have heard positive encouragement and also warnings like Don't go there? I headed the warning and was spared harm and grief.
Get to know your angel and you will also be grateful. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011


In the Catholic churches the 1st Sunday of October is designated as Respect for Life Sunday. It is a reminder for us to respect all life

The priest today in his homily said be glad you are alive. Today you are alive so you can extend respect to the world.

We often don't think of ourselves in these remembrance days

I found myself thinking of who are the people I come in contact with whose life is not respected. I couldn't help but think of the older people I meet daily whose families are at a distance and they are facing a illness. They are often all alone and in less than respectful situations. Is there someone elderly you can extend yourself to that will let them know they are not forgotten and are respected.
I also found myself thinking of the many homeless children, children needing school lunch because their parents have no jobs, means to assist them. Food panties in our area are low of food I am sure they are in your area as well. When you go shopping this week could you buy something and take it to a pantry in your area?

In refecting on respecting others what are some ways you could show respect for yourself? In your own quiet space maybe take a little time for your own reflection on what you do to respect yourself and thereby be more able to show respect to others.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Today is the feast of St. Therese known as the little flower.
She died at a young age of T.B.
I am sure you can imagine living with all women in a convent where they do not go out in the public can be very interesting, yet she was cheerful and saw her frustrations, trials and rejection by some as an opportunity to be in solidarity with those who are marginalized, rejected and misunderstood. She daily prayed for missionaries, those sent to help the poor and marginalized. She wanted to be a missionary but God called to a life of prayer. She full filled her desire by praying for missionaries. Who do you pray for?
I was thinking how do I cope with the little irritations and frustrations of daily life. Am I aware of the other? I really don't know the intentions of others so, do I  at first think the best of them, not always!
Today let us say a prayer asking God for whatever grace we need to be patient, kind, cheerful and accepting of each days trials the best we can. Praying for those in need where you may experience them.