Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Do No Harm-Domestic Violence awareness month

Today we celebrate St. Luke. He was not only a evangelist but a physician. You can read in your Bible the stories he relates of how Jesus was with the poor.

Father God you chose Luke the Evangelist to reveal by preaching and writing the mystery of your love
for the poor.

Physicians are also honored today in Catholic centers with a special Mass for doctors by the Bishop of the Church. Physicians take a oath to do no harm.

This also is  Domestic Violence awareness month. It would do us all good to take an oath to do no harm and to behave in a non violent way toward others. 
We don't often think we engage in domestic violence. Are you aware of some of the signs, like not letting those who we love and live with have their own friends. Refusing to talk or say when we are upset what we are upset about. Not allowing the other to have any personal free time.

These are just some of the signs but there are more and helpful hints of how to deal with this issue on the domestic violence web site.

Today let us be thankful of the positive good relationships we are in. Tell those we love we appreciate them.

Consider taking a personal commitment to do no harm which may be as simple as saying only good about the other and no gossiping. If each of us did these little things the world would be much less violent. 

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