Sunday, October 2, 2011


In the Catholic churches the 1st Sunday of October is designated as Respect for Life Sunday. It is a reminder for us to respect all life

The priest today in his homily said be glad you are alive. Today you are alive so you can extend respect to the world.

We often don't think of ourselves in these remembrance days

I found myself thinking of who are the people I come in contact with whose life is not respected. I couldn't help but think of the older people I meet daily whose families are at a distance and they are facing a illness. They are often all alone and in less than respectful situations. Is there someone elderly you can extend yourself to that will let them know they are not forgotten and are respected.
I also found myself thinking of the many homeless children, children needing school lunch because their parents have no jobs, means to assist them. Food panties in our area are low of food I am sure they are in your area as well. When you go shopping this week could you buy something and take it to a pantry in your area?

In refecting on respecting others what are some ways you could show respect for yourself? In your own quiet space maybe take a little time for your own reflection on what you do to respect yourself and thereby be more able to show respect to others.

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