Friday, October 7, 2011


Earlier this week we celebrated our guardian angels. In the church there is special mention on many days of holy people to remember, events and the special guides God has for each of us. It is our belief that each of us has been given a angel to be our guardian. Scripture has many references to angels and their role in our lives.
Over the years I have learned to hear the voice of my angel.

Yesterday as I was leaving my driveway for work I looked both ways and saw nothing, in a second the voice said wait a minute and behold a motorcycle driver sped by. I am grateful for the angel as I would have surely hit the person straight on. I hear my angel saying go to this floor and visit and there is someone there I didn't expect that needed something I could provide. I am grateful for this frequent guiding voice in my life.
Have you ever thought of the fact you also have an angel? Ask your angel to speak to you to guide you and you will be surprised. I have heard positive encouragement and also warnings like Don't go there? I headed the warning and was spared harm and grief.
Get to know your angel and you will also be grateful. 

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